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"Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected."

Unique jewelry for equally unique individuals.

“How long does shipping take?”
-Processing takes approximately 1-2 days, and then 4-10 business days to ship (US only). Shipping to other countries can take up to 15 business days. Custom necklaces take up to two weeks extra to ship.

“I don’t see the band pick necklace I want, can you make me one with my preferred band?”
-Yes, select the “Custom Guitar Pick Necklace” option and purchase it as a regular transaction. Then email your name, and the picture or band logo you want on the guitar pick to [email protected]

“Can you put a necklace on hold?”
-Of course! Just email me the necklace you want me to put on hold and how long you’d like me to hold it for.

“Do you ship worldwide?”
-Yes, though shipping prices may vary from country to country.

"Can I promote?"

see http://achieveanomaly.bigcartel.com/promoting-opportunities-collaborations